Sudarshan Nayak

MS Student


  • IISc Bangalore, India(2018): ECE (MSc)
  • NIT, Rourkela, India(2014): ECE (BSc)


I am Sudarshan Nayak. After completing my bachelor’s from NIT Rourkela in ECE and masters in ECE from IISc Bangalore, I joined Western Digital India where I worked for 3 years. More interest to pursue Machine Learning has motivated me to join Penn State University as a Master’s student in CSE, where I am working under the guidance of Prof. Dan Kifer, Prof. Parisa Shokouhi, and Dr. Ankur Mali on the DOE project of Co2 storage site response prediction using Deep learning. My field of interest is Machine Learning in primary, while I have experience in Firmware and Electromagnetics domain. Feel free to reach out to me at